
Technical Difficulties

Technical Difficulties

Oh, technology again...

Technical Difficulties

Oh, technology again...

Cognitive Dissonance

Cognitive Dissonance

When what I'm saying does not compute with what's in my brain...

Cognitive Dissonance

When what I'm saying does not compute with what's in my brain...

Mutual Feelings

Mutual Feelings

Don't let the door hit you on your way out!

Mutual Feelings

Don't let the door hit you on your way out!



Lawyers, the lesser known and underrated firefighters of the corporate world...


Lawyers, the lesser known and underrated firefighters of the corporate world...

Federal Holiday

Federal Holiday

When you get a surprise three day weekend because you forgot it was Memorial Day on Monday...

Federal Holiday

When you get a surprise three day weekend because you forgot it was Memorial Day on Monday...

How Are You Really

How Are You Really

... Do you really want to know?

How Are You Really

... Do you really want to know?