Your law school degree is a very versatile tool. Yes, it may secure your current employment prospect or land you a job in the near future, but you may not have considered these other ways in which you could put this extremely expensive piece of cardstock to work.
1. Use It as a Weapon
In order to convey its importance and to reassure you that your six-figure investment in law school (and resulting never-ending debt) was well worth it, law school diploma paper is generally quite thick and sturdy.
As a result, and many of us may have learned this the hard way, diploma paper can deliver a pretty nasty paper cut. That being the case, why not get ahead of the threat and wield your degree as a sharp weapon?
2. Use It to Get Preferential Treatment
Waiting at the end of a long line? Hoping to unlock VIP-only deals at any commercial establishment?
Well, surviving 3 years of law school means that you are now an issue-spotting machine. You should be able to list 10 reasons, based on your surrounding facts and circumstances, as to why you deserve to be treated like royalty at any given moment.
It may also help to fasten your diploma to your clothing and wear it all times, just for an added layer of legitimacy.
3. Earn Petty Cash with It
Let's not forget the despair you felt earlier in your law school career, when finals, memos and other law school-related obligations stood in the way of graduation. You have rising 2L and 3L colleagues who currently feel the same way! They will want to see, touch, and possibly smell your diploma, just to get a taste of what it's like to finally reach the finish line, so charge them for the privilege.
In all cases, for those of you who have or will soon graduate law school in the coming weeks, congratulations! For those of you with a recent law school grad in your life, get them a "law school, next" card to let them know that they are "so amazing."
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