18 Blissful Weekend Videos for Introverts

Like clockwork, every Friday your workers may ask, "What are you up to this weekend?"

If you're similar to me, the answer might range from, "not much" or "just chillin'" to the more mysterious "I don't know" or "hopefully, I'll be unconscious". But, what might not be obvious to the listener is that these short and unassuming phrases describe the best weekend plans ever for introverts.

The loose formula that comprises an introvert's ideal weekend is something like:

  • No schedule: My alarm gives me a heart attack every day of the workweek, so no plans that involve waking up by a certain time. Also, social meetups that require me to present as anything other than a potentially homeless person are out of the question... I probably also already lost all the enthusiasm from initially agreeing to any such meetup.

  • Relaxed spontaneity: People usually think of participating in adrenalin-inducing activities when they hear "spontaneous", but my version of being spontaneous is suddenly deciding to engage in any number of quiet and calm activities... Could I be reading a book? Or eating spicy Cheetos dipped in sour cream? BOTH? Who knows.

In any case, here's a blissful compilation of 18 short lazy weekend videos that will warm any introvert's heart: 


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